Fellow Bakers, I discovered a possible new family name today. It appears we have a 5th great grandmother named Joan Jennings (or possibly Jening, but I am assuming Jennings is correct for now.) She lived in Somerset, England from 1700 to 1785, and married Thomas Knapton, the 2nd great grandfather of my great grandmother, Elizabeth Ann (Annie) Knapton, who of course was the wife of William Henry Baker. The records on her and the couple of generations of Knaptons following her are a bit tenuous, so I’ll be on the lookout for better documentation.
If you check my Jennings family list, you’ll find quite a few people lested there already. That’s because my great grand aunt Kate Estelle Patterson also married a Jennings about 170 years later.
I have updated the direct ancestor surname list on the About Page to include the Jennings name.